News August 2022

Cost of Living Crisis – The Robertson Trust signs joint letters to the First Minister

Last week, we signed two joint letters to the First Minister calling for more support to help people on the lowest income through the cost-of-living emergency.

The cost-of-living crisis continues to stretch the budgets of households all over Scotland to breaking point. We are deeply concerned about the short and long-term impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals and families who are unable to make ends meet.

In a letter to the First Minister, we are calling on the Scottish Government to continue doing the right thing and bridge the gap for more children by doubling the Scottish Child Payment for families with older children. Alongside 120 other organisations, groups and individuals, we believe this action would be a practical and effective way to get much-needed financial support to many of the households struggling most in the face of the cost of living crisis. 

You can read the full text of this letter here.

In a second letter, we partnered with organisations including Trussell Trust Scotland, Save the Children Scotland, the Poverty Alliance, CPAG in Scotland, IPPR Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, Energy Action Scotland and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations to call for immediate cash support for families on the lowest incomes. We are urging the First Minister to treat the cost-of-living crisis as a top priority and take all action necessary to help people on the lowest incomes through this emergency.

You can read the full text of this letter here.

Russell Gunson, Head of Programmes and Practice at the Robertson Trust said:

“Our ten-year strategy is focused on tackling poverty and trauma. We know that families in Scotland are facing impossible daily choices on being able to keep food on the table and keep their houses warm. This will have significant short-term and long-term effects on health and wellbeing. The cost-of-living crisis will impact those hardest hit in our society and those who are already struggling to make ends meet.

It’s imperative that the Scottish Government treat the cost-of-living crisis as a top priority. We are urging immediate action to prevent longer-term damage to individuals, families, and children.”