Emotional Wellbeing and Relationships

We want to see a Scotland that builds stronger wellbeing and relationships for people, families, communities and with services, to maximise the potential and wellbeing of those currently held back by poverty and trauma

We are currently in the process of sharpening the focus of our Emotional Wellbeing and Relationships theme. This reflects our commitment to embedding cycles of continuous learning and improvement across our work and we anticipate relaunching the theme later in 2024.

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Project: Each and Every Child

We are proud to host Each and Every Child at The Robertson Trust. This is a partnership project between CELCIS, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Life Changes Trust, The Robertson Trust, Scottish Government and Social Work Scotland. 

Each and Every Child aims to tell a compelling story about children and young people in the care system, transforming the current public narrative and mobilising people at all levels in the community to take action to improve the life chances of all children, young people and families across Scotland 

How we talk about care experience matters. This story looks to build and improve public support for the progressive vision outlined in The Promise. To help with this challenge, Each and Every Child is sharing framing recommendations from FrameWorksUK’s research into public attitudes towards care experience and the care system in Scotland. 

Now in the second year of the initiative, Each and Every Child has been delivering sessions on how to frame care experience to organisations such as the Care Inspectorate, The Scottish Government, Barnardo's and different local authorities across Scotland. These sessions explore how changing the language we use can radically shift public attitudes towards people with experience of care and the care system, challenging stigma and building support for progressive policies. The team has now delivered 75 Introduction to Framing and Framing Care Experience sessions to over 1600 people, as well as delivering more intensive additional sessions and intensive support to early adopter organisations.  

You can read more about Each and Every Child’s work and keep up to date with their progress here: https://eachandeverychild.co.uk/