Awards for 2024/25
A breakdown of our funding in 2024/25.

£13,027,750 awarded to 341 organisations. These figures and lists are updated after every decision meeting (once all recipients have been notified).
Large Grants
£9,015,000 awarded in 2024/25 so far
Organisation | Award | Total | Location |
Addictions Counselling Inverness | The Running Costs of Addiction Counselling Inverness | £90,000 | Highland |
Advocacy Western Isles | Core Costs of AWI | £51,000 | Western Isles |
AdvoCard | Core costs of AdvoCard | £90,000 | Edinburgh City |
Aid & Abet | The Salary Cost of the Co-Ordinator | £84,000 | Edinburgh City; Glasgow City; Stirling; West Lothian |
Amma Birth Companions | Running costs of Amma Birth Companions | £105,000 | Glasgow City |
Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau | Salary costs of the Outreach Development Worker - Trainer | £105,000 | Argyll and Bute |
Arran Youth Foundations | Running Costs | £48,000 | North Ayrshire |
Article 12 in Scotland | The Running Costs of Article 12 | £75,000 | Scotland Wide |
Ayr Housing Aid Centre SCIO | Running costs of Ayr Housing Aid Centre | £90,000 | East Ayrshire; South Ayrshire |
Better Lives Partnership | Core running costs of the Better Lives Partnership | £105,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Border Women's Aid | Running costs of Border Women's Aid | £99,000 | Scottish Borders |
Break The Silence | Running Costs | £75,000 | East Ayrshire; North Ayrshire |
Bridgend Farmhouse | The Skills Development Programme | £63,000 | Edinburgh City |
Castlemilk Law & Money Advice Centre | The Running Costs of Castlemilk Law and Money Advice Centre | £105,000 | Glasgow City |
Castlemilk Youth Complex | Running Costs | £72,000 | Glasgow City |
Central Carers Association | The Young Adult Carers service | £78,000 | Clackmannanshire; Falkirk |
CHAI (Community Help & Advice Initiative) | Running Costs of CHAI | £105,000 | Edinburgh City |
CHAP (Community Housing Advice Project) | Towards the Education Programme | £99,000 | North Ayrshire |
Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian | The salary costs of the Financial Inclusion Adviser (In work focus) | £105,000 | West Lothian |
Clyde Fishermen's Trust | Salary costs of Education Development Manager | £78,000 | Argyll and Bute; Inverclyde; North Ayrshire |
Community Law Advice Network (Clan Childlaw) | The Running Costs of Community Law Advice Network (Clan Childlaw) | £120,000 | Scotland Wide |
Community One Stop Shop (COSS) | Running costs of Community One Stop Shop (COSS) | £84,000 | Edinburgh City |
Cothrom | The running costs of Cothrom | £90,000 | Western Isles |
Council of Voluntary Organisations (CVO) East Ayrshire | The costs of the Upskill Programme | £69,000 | East Ayrshire |
Countryside Learning Scotland | Cost of the ADHD Rural Connect Programme | £44,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Create Paisley | Salary costs of the 2 Youth Development Managers | £54,000 | Renfrewshire |
Cumbernauld and District Women's Aid SCIO | Core running costs of Cumbernauld and District Women's Aid | £99,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Dumbarton and District Women's Aid | The salary costs of the Women's Support Worker | £105,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Dundee Bairns | The Bairns at Home Project | £90,000 | Dundee City |
East Ayrshire Churches Homelessness Action | Cost of the Recovery Hub | £90,000 | East Ayrshire |
East Dunbartonshire Women's Aid SCIO | The salary costs of the CYP Outreach Worker | £105,000 | East Dunbartonshire |
Edinburgh Food Project | Running costs of Edinburgh Food Project | £84,000 | Edinburgh City |
Elgin Youth Development Group | Core Costs of EYDG | £75,000 | Moray |
FAIR Ltd. | Running costs of FAIR Ltd | £90,000 | Edinburgh City |
Family Mediation West of Scotland | The Running Cost of Family Mediation WofS | £93,000 | East Ayrshire; Glasgow City |
Feeding Britain | Running costs of Threehills Community Supermarket | £105,000 | Glasgow City |
Fetlor Youth Club | Core running costs of Fetlor Youth Club | £67,500 | Edinburgh City |
Fife Women's Aid | The Women's Befriending Service | £90,000 | Fife |
Fly Cup Enterprises | Towards the catering and hospitality employability programme | £84,000 | Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire |
Geeza Break | Core costs of Geeza Break | £90,000 | Glasgow City |
Girvan Youth Trust | The Core Running Costs of Girvan Youth Trust | £81,000 | South Ayrshire |
Glasgow Wood | The salary costs of the Development Worker | £64,500 | Glasgow City |
Greater Pollok Citizens Advice Bureau | Running costs of the Greater Pollok Citizens Advice Bureau. | £96,000 | Glasgow City |
Healthy Valleys | Core costs of Healthy Valleys | £69,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Hear Me | Core costs of Hear Me | £72,000 | Angus |
Home-Start Angus | The Running Costs of Home-Start Angus | £105,000 | Angus |
Home-Start Clackmannanshire | Running Costs | £105,000 | Clackmannanshire |
Home-Start Falkirk Ltd | Running Costs | £105,000 | Falkirk |
Home-Start Lomond | The running costs of Home-Start Lomond | £78,000 | Argyll and Bute; West Dunbartonshire |
Home-Start Renfrewshire & Inverclyde | Running Costs | £105,000 | Inverclyde; Renfrewshire |
Housing Options Scotland | The costs of the Making Moves project | £96,000 | Scotland Wide |
Include Me 2 Club SCIO | Young People with ASN (14-25 years) Transition Work | £69,000 | East Renfrewshire; Glasgow City |
Independent Living Support | Cost of the GoBeDo Youth Service | £87,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Into Work | Core Running Costs of Into Work | £96,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Midlothian; Scottish Borders; West Lothian |
Kibbleworks | Salary costs of the Employability & Educational Transitions Co-ordinator | £111,000 | East Renfrewshire; Glasgow City; Inverclyde; Renfrewshire |
Kindred Advocacy | Running costs of Kindred Advocacy | £72,000 | Scotland Wide |
Kirkcaldy YMCA | Running Costs | £90,000 | Fife |
LGBT Healthy Living Centre | The LGBT+ Refugee & Asylum Seeker Project | £75,000 | Edinburgh City; Glasgow City |
Lochaber Citizens Advice Bureau | The running costs of Lochaber CAB | £90,000 | Highland |
Man On! Inverclyde SCIO | The Young Person's Belonging Service | £81,000 | Inverclyde |
MECOPP | Salary costs of the 2 Lothians Caseworkers. | £90,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Midlothian; West Lothian |
Midnight and Beyond | Core costs of Midnight and Beyond | £54,000 | Edinburgh City |
Mindspace Limited | The costs of the Young People’s Recovery College | £90,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Moray Food Plus | The costs of the Moray Mobile Pantry Service and Outreach Project. | £75,000 | Moray |
Motherwell and Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau | The Empowering Money Advice Project (EMAP) | £99,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Moving On Employment Project Limited | Running Costs of Moving On Employment Project | £84,000 | Shetland Islands |
Moving On Inverclyde | Core running costs of Moving On Inverclyde | £105,000 | Inverclyde |
Muirhouse Millennium Centre | Salary Cost of 2 PT Children & Family Support Workers | £90,000 | Edinburgh City |
Muirhouse Youth Development Group | Core Costs of MYDG | £54,000 | Edinburgh City |
Networks of Wellbeing Ltd | Running Costs | £54,000 | Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Moray |
OUTLET: PLAY RESOURCE | Cost of the Youth and Community Ranger Programme | £69,000 | North Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire |
Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau | The running costs of Parkhead CAB | £102,000 | Glasgow City |
Perth Autism Support SCIO | Running costs of Perth Autism Support | £87,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Perthshire Women's Aid | Running Costs | £105,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Pilton Youth and Children's Project | Running costs of Pilton Youth and Children's Project | £90,000 | Edinburgh City |
Pregnancy Counselling and Care (Scotland) | The Running Costs of Pregnancy Counselling and Care (Scotland) | £72,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Midlothian; West Lothian |
Project 31 SCIO | Running Costs | £60,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Refugee Sanctuary Scotland (Formerly Refugee Survival Trust) | The running costs of Refugee Sanctuary Scotland (RSS) | £99,000 | Glasgow City |
Relationships Scotland | Child Contact Centres Practitioner Training Programme | £75,000 | Scotland Wide |
ReTweed | Running Costs | £75,000 | Scottish Borders |
Rock Community church/The Phoenix | The salary costs of the Family Support Worker | £60,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Safe Harbour Inverclyde | Harbour Light Service | £75,000 | Inverclyde |
Scottish Child Law Centre | The Community Clinics | £66,000 | Glasgow City |
Second Chance Project | Core costs of SCP. | £66,000 | Glasgow City |
Skye & Lochalsh Citizen Advice Bureau | Salary costs of the Operations Manager. | £90,000 | Highland |
Skye & Lochalsh Mental Health Association | Towards the running costs of SLMHA | £60,000 | Highland |
Station House Media Unit (SHMU) | The Costs of the Adult Engagement Service | £90,000 | Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire |
Stepping Stones for Families | The salary costs of the FT Carrick Service Family Support Worker | £97,500 | South Ayrshire |
Stepwell Consultancy Ltd | The running costs of Stepwell | £75,000 | Inverclyde |
Street Soccer (Scotland) Limited | Street Soccer (Scotland) operational support costs | £114,000 | Scotland Wide |
Tayside Council on Alcohol | The running costs of Tayside Council on Alcohol | £99,000 | Angus; Dundee City; Perth and Kinross |
Team Jak Foundation | Running costs of Team Jak | £50,000 | Scotland Wide |
THAW Orkney | The costs of the Community Sustainability Officer | £105,000 | Orkney Islands |
The Aberdeen Day Project | Salary costs of the Support Worker | £81,000 | Aberdeen City |
The Green Team (Edinburgh and Lothians) Limited | Core costs of The Green Team | £63,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Midlothian; West Lothian |
The Halliday Foundation | The core salary costs of the Halliday Foundation | £66,000 | Glasgow City |
The Lilias Graham Trust | Running costs of The Lilias Graham Trust | £115,500 | Scotland Wide |
The New Tannahill Centre | The running costs of the New Tannahill Centre | £87,000 | Renfrewshire |
The Ridge SCIO | Running Costs of The Ridge | £90,000 | East Lothian |
The Salvesen Mindroom Centre | The salary cost of the CYPOS Team Leader | £35,000 | Scotland Wide |
The Worker Support Centre | Towards the Running Costs of the Worker Support Centre | £69,000 | Aberdeenshire; Angus; Highland; Moray; Perth and Kinross |
The Workshop Aberfeldy | Core salary costs of The Workshop Aberfeldy | £75,000 | Perth and Kinross |
U-evolve | Core costs of U-evolve | £78,000 | Edinburgh City |
Unity Enterprise | The running cost of Unity Works | £20,000 | Inverclyde |
Venture Scotland | The running costs of Venture Scotland | £84,000 | Scotland Wide |
Wellbeing Scotland | Forth Valley Children's counselling service | £40,000 | Clackmannanshire; Falkirk; Stirling |
West of Scotland Regional Equality Council (WSREC) | The running costs of WSREC | £120,000 | East Dunbartonshire; East Renfrewshire; Glasgow City; North Lanarkshire; Renfrewshire; West Dunbartonshire |
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service | Salary costs of the Income Maximisation Officer | £84,000 | Western Isles |
Youth Theatre Arts Scotland (YTAS) | Next Generation Employability project | £33,000 | Edinburgh City |
Small Grants
£3,710,500 awarded in 2024/25 so far
Organisation | Award | Total | Location |
77th Glasgow Disabled Scouts | Running Costs | £24,000 | Glasgow City |
Aban Outdoor Ltd | Running costs | £45,000 | Highland |
Aberfeldy Parish Church | The running costs of the Breathe Youthwork Project | £45,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Action Against Stalking | Running Costs | £45,000 | Scotland Wide |
Adelaide Place Baptist Church | The salary costs of the Community Hub Manager | £36,000 | Glasgow City |
African Lanarkshire for Mental Health | Kids' Wellbeing Project Costs | £27,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Angus Special Playscheme | Running costs | £30,000 | Angus |
Auchenback Active Limited | Running Costs | £24,000 | East Renfrewshire |
Barmulloch Community Development Company | Running costs of Barmulloch Community Development Company | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Beechbrae SCIO | Woodland Wellbeing Sessions | £10,000 | West Lothian |
Benarty Community Forum | Running Costs | £25,500 | Fife |
Boots and Beards | Running Costs | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
Bothwell Futures | Running Costs | £30,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Brechin Buccaneers | The salary costs of the Community Engagement Worker | £30,000 | Angus |
Bridging the Gap (Glasgow) | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Bright Sparks SCIO | Running costs | £36,000 | Midlothian |
Castlepark & Eglinton Community Association SCIO | The salary costs of the Community Builder | £31,500 | North Ayrshire |
Christian Community Action Support Team Highland | Running Costs | £45,000 | Highland |
Community for Food | Running Costs | £6,000 | Edinburgh City |
Connect Berwickshire Youth Project | Running Costs | £45,000 | Scottish Borders |
Coupar Angus Youth Activities Group (CAYAG) | Running Costs | £27,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Cranhill Arts Project | Running Costs | £39,000 | Glasgow City |
Crookston Community Group | Salary costs of the Welfare Rights Project Officer | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Crossroads caring for carers Cowal & Bute SCIO | Young Carers Project | £43,500 | Argyll and Bute |
Cumbernauld Poverty Action | Running Costs | £45,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Dalrymple Skeldon and Hollybush Project | Towards the costs of the Community Hub | £5,000 | East Ayrshire |
Dirliebane Theatre Company | The Learning & Engagement Programme | £6,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Edinburgh University Children's Holiday Venture | Running Costs | £21,000 | Edinburgh City |
Equal Voice | Running Costs | £36,000 | Fife |
Escape Youth Services | Running Costs | £45,000 | Scottish Borders |
ESOL Scotland Ltd (previously Glasgow ESOL Forum) | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Ewen's Room | Running Costs | £45,000 | Highland |
FACEYOUTH SCIO | The costs of the Faceyouth Skills Club | £31,500 | Aberdeen City |
Fallin Community Voice | Running Costs | £21,000 | Stirling |
FAMS Young People & Families Trauma Centre | Running costs of FAMS Young People & Families Trauma Centre | £34,500 | North Lanarkshire |
Finn's Place | The costs of the Sows, Stews and Sews Project for Migrant Women | £24,000 | Glasgow City |
Fostering Compassion SCIO | CEO Salary Costs | £45,000 | Scotland Wide |
Fun First | Running Costs | £10,500 | Argyll and Bute |
G15 YOUTH PROJECT SCIO | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Giving Back | Running Costs | £14,000 | Dundee City |
Glasgow Tool Library | The Costs of the Volunteer Programme | £20,000 | Glasgow City |
Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve | The Forest School Sessions | £27,000 | Glasgow City |
Hand of Solace | Aberdeen Black Ethnic Women Service Project | £34,500 | Aberdeen City |
Hawick Congregational Community Church | Toddlers Together & Bumps to Babies Co-ordinators | £24,000 | Scottish Borders |
Helensburgh Community Hall Ltd | The salary costs of the Development Manager | £36,000 | Argyll and Bute |
Highland Action For Little Ones (Halo) | Running Costs | £30,000 | Highland |
Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church of Scotland, Edinburgh. | Towards running costs of The Bridge Community Café | £39,000 | Edinburgh City |
Hope Kitchen SCIO | Running Costs of Hope Kitchen | £39,000 | Argyll and Bute |
Hyzone Ltd | Running costs | £34,500 | North Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire |
INSP Foundation (International Network of Street Papers) | Changing the Narrative project | £15,000 | Glasgow City |
Inspiring Communities | Running Costs | £45,000 | Stirling |
Josephine Oboh-MacLeod Charity (SCIO) | The costs of Wellbeing Workshops in Scotland | £6,500 | East Dunbartonshire; Glasgow City |
Joshua Nolan Foundation | Running Costs | £36,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Midlothian; West Lothian |
Kassi Kunda Foundation | Cost of the work in Scotland | £21,000 | Glasgow City |
Kintyre Link Club | Running Costs | £18,000 | Argyll and Bute |
Knowetop SCIO | Running Costs | £30,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Kyle of Sutherland Hub | The Salary Costs of the Activities Co-ordinator | £30,000 | Highland |
Lairg and District Learning Centre | Running Costs | £45,000 | Highland |
Launch Foods Foundation | The Salary Costs of the Chef | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
Lochside Community Association | Running Costs | £30,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Mactaggart Youth and Communities Outreach Service | Running costs of Mactaggart Youth and Communities Outreach Service | £36,000 | Argyll and Bute |
MCRG Monifieth Community Resource Group | Running Costs | £36,000 | Angus |
Menopause Warriors Scotland | Running Costs | £22,500 | Glasgow City |
Menzieshill Community Centre | Running Costs | £19,500 | Dundee City |
Mossburn Community Farm | The Costs of free Animal Assisted Therapy/Learning for Children & Young People | £30,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Off Grid Community SCIO | Running Costs | £30,000 | East Renfrewshire |
Old School Thornhill | The Thornhill Food Initiative | £24,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
One Step Borders SCIO | Running Costs | £42,000 | Scottish Borders |
Patchwork Recovery Community | Running Costs | £42,000 | East Ayrshire |
Paul's Parcels | Running Costs | £33,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Perth Minorities Association | Running Costs | £7,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Peterhead FC Community Foundation | Running Costs | £21,000 | Aberdeenshire |
Play Midlothian | Running Costs | £45,000 | Midlothian |
ProjectChange | Running Costs | £45,000 | Scotland Wide |
Reidvale Adventure Play Association Limited | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
River Cree Hatchery & Habitat Trust SCIO | Running Costs | £15,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
River Kids SCIO | The salary costs of the Warehouse Operative & Admin Assistant | £45,000 | West Lothian |
Romano Lav | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Sharpen Her: the African Women's Network | Running Costs | £15,000 | Glasgow City |
SISCO | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Social Flock | Running Costs | £45,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Special Needs Adventure Playground (SNAP) | Running costs | £30,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Spirit of Springburn SCIO | Running Costs | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
Springburn Unity Network | Running Costs | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
St Rollox Community Outreach | Running Costs | £39,000 | Glasgow City |
Step Together Volunteering | The Dumfries & Galloway youth project | £30,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Stoneyburn and Bents Future Vision Group SCIO | Running Costs | £25,500 | West Lothian |
Stronger Together for Autism and Neurodivergence | Running Costs | £36,000 | East Lothian |
Survivors Unite | Running Costs | £45,000 | Scottish Borders |
Talkmatters | Running Costs | £30,000 | Fife |
Tarbert Youth Group | Running Costs | £37,500 | Argyll and Bute |
The BIG Project | Running Costs | £45,000 | Edinburgh City |
The Buzz Project | Running Costs | £45,000 | Highland |
The Carrick Centre | Core running costs of the Carrick Centre | £45,000 | South Ayrshire |
The Glendale Women's Cafe | Running Costs of Women's Cafe | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
The Holding Space | Running Costs | £30,000 | North Lanarkshire |
The King’s Community Foundation | The running costs of The King's Community Foundation | £45,000 | Aberdeen City |
The Kinning Park Complex SCIO | Running costs of Kinning Park Complex | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
The Ohana Club | Running Costs | £15,000 | South Lanarkshire |
The Scottish Cot Death Trust | Bereavement Support Services for Families | £45,000 | Scotland Wide |
The Steeple Church: Dundee (Church of Scotland) | The Parish Nursing Project (exc. salaries) | £45,000 | Dundee City |
Thurso Youth Club SCIO | Running Costs | £45,000 | Highland |
Time and Space | Running Costs | £36,000 | Glasgow City |
Touch of Love Outreach | Costs of Work in Scotland | £39,000 | Aberdeen City |
Toybox Lee Avenue | Running Costs | £30,000 | Glasgow City |
UNACCI Upper Nithsdale Arts and Crafts Community Initiative - A' the Airts | Towards The Salary Cost of Centre Manager | £39,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Uppertunity Limited | Towards the Project Workers Salaries & Delivery Costs | £36,000 | Dundee City |
ViewCare Project | The salary costs of the Project Coordinator | £39,000 | North Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire |
Visual Statement | Running Costs | £45,000 | Glasgow City |
Volunteering Hebrides | Cost of the Souper Foods Initiative | £36,000 | Western Isles |
Wasp Community Club | The salary cost of the Community Development Coordinator | £15,000 | Clackmannanshire |
You Are My Sunshine | Running Costs | £30,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Youth Vision | The salary costs of the Field Manager | £36,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Midlothian; West Lothian |
Transport Grants (formerly Community Vehicle)
£112,000 awarded in 2024/25 so far
Organisation Name | Award | Total | Project Location |
Annandale Community Transport Services | The capital costs of a minibus | £7,500 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Boots and Beards | Towards the capital costs of a 9-seat vehicle | £5,000 | Glasgow City |
Borders Wheels | The capital costs of a Minibus | £7,500 | Scottish Borders |
Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | The capital costs of a new vehicle | £10,000 | Edinburgh City |
Falkirk Vineyard Church | The Vehicle for the Mobile Community Pantry | £7,500 | Falkirk |
Flourishing Faifley | The Minivan | £6,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Fullarton Community Association | Torwards the capital cost of the van for the food project | £5,000 | North Ayrshire |
Interloch Transport | The capital costs of the replacement vehicle | £7,500 | Argyll and Bute |
ISKCON Scotland | Towards the capital costs of a Minibus | £7,500 | Glasgow City; South Lanarkshire |
Lothian Community Transport Services | Towards the costs of a new 7-seat vehicle | £7,500 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Midlothian |
Maryfield United Community Charity | The cost of a Small Van | £2,500 | Dundee City |
Maslow's Community | Towards the capital costs of a Van | £6,000 | Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Glasgow City; Inverclyde; Renfrewshire; Stirling |
The Economic Forum For Family Empowerment Scotland | The costs of a Minibus | £7,500 | North Lanarkshire |
The Sorted Project | The Capital Costs of a Training Boat | £10,000 | Edinburgh City; Falkirk; West Lothian |
Viewpark Conservation Group | Towards the capital costs of a Crew Cab Van | £5,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Wild Things Environmental Education in Action | Towards the capital costs of a Minibus | £10,000 | Highland; Moray |
Wee Grants
£190,250 awarded in 2024/25 so far
Organisation | Award | Total | Location |
1st Torphins Scouts | Running Costs | £1,500 | Aberdeenshire |
3rd Forfar Scout Group | Running Costs | £2,000 | Angus |
Acts of Kindness | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Ayrshire |
Addiction Recovery Centre | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Dunbartonshire |
African Connect | Running Costs | £2,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Afristyle Dance Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Aberdeen City |
Airdrie Division Guides | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Ardrossan & Largs Unit (No 612) of the Sea Cadet Corps | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Ayrshire |
Association NDE Scotland | The Summer Coffee Club and Food Parcels | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Badenoch and Strathspey Therapy Gardens | Running Costs | £2,000 | Highland |
Bailliefields Community Hub SCIO | Towards the cost of a Van | £2,000 | Falkirk |
BASE (Blind Activities Support Events) | Cost of Day Trips | £2,000 | Fife |
Beith Cultural & Heritage Society | Running Costs | £1,000 | North Ayrshire |
Breasclete Parent Council | School Trip to the Mainland | £2,000 | Western Isles |
Calvay Community Events Committee | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Clann An La De | Running Costs | £2,000 | Western Isles |
Cleland Gala Day | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Community Helping Hands | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Community Open Garden Shortlees | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Ayrshire |
Comunn Eachdraidh Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh | Cost of Accordion Group | £500 | Western Isles |
Cousland Majority Group | Running Costs | £1,300 | Midlothian |
Crawford Primary School Parent Council | Running Costs | £1,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Cromdale Village Hall | Running Costs | £2,000 | Highland |
Daniel's Wish | Running Costs | £2,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Denny Warriors Football Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Falkirk |
Disabling Barriers Scotland | Running Costs | £2,000 | Scotland Wide |
Distinctive Dance Academy | Gymnastics & Wellbeing Class | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Dreams United Football Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Drum4urLife | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Ayrshire |
Dundee City Pipe Band & Ross Youth Music Initiative | Running Costs | £2,000 | Dundee City |
Dunnikier Park Community Golf | Running Costs | £2,000 | Fife |
Edinburgh Napier Knights AFC | Equipment Costs | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Edinburgh Spiders (Scotland) | Running Costs | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Forth Valley Pride | Forth Valley Pride Event 2024 | £2,000 | Stirling |
Friends For All Project (FFAP) | The Digital Playability Initiative | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Friends of Inchyra park | The Costs of Events/Activities | £2,000 | Falkirk |
Gambian Community in Edinburgh | Gambia Cultural Event 2024 | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Gambians and friends in Scotland Community Association | The Community Connect Event 2024 | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Health and Wellbeing Community Group | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Heartstart Cowal | Running Costs | £1,000 | Argyll and Bute |
Huntly Football Club Youth Development | Running Costs | £2,000 | Aberdeenshire |
I Was Gonnae | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Ayrshire; Falkirk; Renfrewshire |
Igbo Women Association Glasgow | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Irvine and District Pipe Band | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Ayrshire |
Irvine and Dreghorn Brass | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Ayrshire |
Kilbarchan Improvement Projects | Running Costs | £2,000 | Renfrewshire |
Kings Croft Community Group | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Kinross and District Men's Shed | Running Costs | £1,750 | Perth and Kinross |
Kirkintilloch Men's shed | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Dunbartonshire |
Knights Templar Goodwill Charity of Scotland | Running Costs | £2,000 | Fife |
Langholm Girls Football Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Lochside Neighbourhood Group | Running Costs | £2,000 | South Ayrshire |
Lothian United Handball Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Me, Myself and I (SCIO) | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Meigle and Ardler Community Development Trust | Cost of Tool Library | £2,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Men's Shed Govan | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
Milan Lunch and Social Club | Running Costs | £1,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Milton Football Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | Stirling |
Milton Football Club 2011 | Running Costs | £1,000 | Stirling |
Mum Days | Running Costs | £2,000 | Moray |
Muthill Community Transport Group SCIO | Running Costs | £2,000 | Perth and Kinross |
Narjis Foundation | Towards the Costs of Work in Scotland | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
National Autistic Society South Lanarkshire Branch | Running Costs | £1,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Nether Lochaber Community Association | Running Costs | £2,000 | Highland |
New Cumnock Working Men's Club | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Ayrshire |
Next Chapter Scotland SCIO | Running Costs | £2,000 | Scotland Wide |
Norine Mindeyes Culture Connect | Edinburgh Workshops | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Oban Pride | Running Costs | £2,000 | Argyll and Bute |
OK Stay and Play | Equipment/Resources & Storage Costs | £1,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Parkinson's UK | Parkinson's UK - Stirling and Clackmannanshire Support Group | £1,000 | Clackmannanshire; Stirling |
Patna Extravaganza Group | The Big Extravaganza Day | £1,500 | East Ayrshire |
Polish Scouting Association Druzyna Brzask | Running Costs | £1,700 | Fife |
Pride in Moray | Moray Pride Event 2024 | £2,000 | Moray |
Ralston Playgroup | Running Costs | £1,000 | Renfrewshire |
RH Youth Organisation | Running Costs | £2,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Riverside Primary School Parent Council | PE Kits | £2,000 | Stirling |
Rockvale Rebound Talking Newspaper | Running Costs | £1,000 | West Dunbartonshire |
Sakoon Mind | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Scottish Community Development Network | Cost of SCDN Annual Conference | £2,000 | South Lanarkshire |
Scottish Parkinson's Table Tennis Association | Running Costs | £1,000 | South Ayrshire |
Scottish Pony Partners | Free Sessions for Young People | £2,000 | North Ayrshire |
Seann Eolaich | Running Costs | £1,000 | Western Isles |
Smile Children’s Charity | The Costs of Holistic Therapies | £2,000 | South Lanarkshire |
South West Recovery Cafe SCIO | Running Costs | £2,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
Speyside Children's Arts Festival | The 2024 Speyside Children's Arts Festival | £2,000 | Moray |
St Joachim's & St Joseph's Food Bank | Running Costs | £2,000 | Glasgow City |
St.Cadoc's Parent Staff Association (PSA) | The Sensory Room | £2,000 | East Renfrewshire |
Stornoway Running and Athletics Club | Running Costs including the Junior Training Group | £2,000 | Western Isles |
TDUK | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Fife; Midlothian; West Lothian |
The Adelphe Community Outreach | Running Costs | £2,000 | Edinburgh City; West Lothian |
The Beattock Bash Committee | Running Costs | £2,000 | Dumfries and Galloway |
The Meeting Place (Dunoon) | Running Costs | £2,000 | Argyll and Bute |
The Trauma Therapy Trust | The Mindfulness for Trauma Course | £2,000 | East Dunbartonshire; Glasgow City |
The Unique Group | Running Costs | £2,000 | South Ayrshire |
The Workers’ Observatory | Running Costs (event) | £2,000 | Edinburgh City |
Tony's Safe Place | Running Costs | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Trossachs and Teith Community Sport and Social Hub | Running Costs | £2,000 | Stirling |
UMOJA WA MAISHA YETU (UMAY) | Educational Workshops for African Families | £2,000 | North Lanarkshire |
Walk Run Cycle East Dunbartonshire | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Dunbartonshire |
Waterside Miners Charitable Society | Running Costs | £2,000 | East Dunbartonshire |
Weaving Words and Wonder (We-Wo-Wonder) | Running Costs | £2,000 | Moray |
West Lothian Pride | West Lothian Pride Event 2024 | £2,000 | West Lothian |
Young Portonian Theatre Company | Running Costs | £2,000 | Falkirk |